Providing value and cost certainty that enables you to explore the full costs associated with the construction of your new home.
Working in partnership with you and your architect, we utilise our own experts across each key discipline to design the delivery requirements for your project before the construction process starts.
By obtaining the right advice at the right time, we remove any danger of you going down the wrong procurement route and heading into a potential minefield.
Stage 1: Definition and Briefing
We provide our strategy and design consultancy services working in partnership with your preferred architect under a Pre-construction Service Agreement.
At this stage, we work with you to calculate a high-level estimation of the budget that meets your expectations. This enables discussion at early stages to establish and clarify the scope and specification, before the design commences.
Stage 2: Concept Design
Working alongside your architect and our own specialist consultants; the design concepts, space plans and system requirements are created, with live costing taking place alongside to ensure that the design is kept aligned with budget.
Stage 3: Developed Design
The design is developed further to consider internal and external finishes, Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) including kitchen and bathroom designs and Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) stages of coordination including lighting, audio and visual, renewables. The budgeting process continues in parallel with this, increasing in level of detail as the design matures. At this point we commence engagement with our supply chain to support the budgeting process, and to run Pre-Qualification Questionnaires in view of the Stage 4 tender.
Stage 4: Technical Design and Approval
Upon completion of Technical Design, our pre-construction team break the project works down into many component packages, and tender these directly to several sub-contractors for each trade.
Once all compliant bids are received back, these are reviewed, analysed and compared in detail and presented to you and your architect.
The outputs of this process are:
A detailed quantity-and-rate cost plan.
A scoring matrix measuring the performance of participating sub-contractors for each trade.
Presenting the sub-contractors who are recommended for selection, and why.
Collaboration with you to decide on which sub-contractors to proceed with based on our recommendations.
Transparency & Cost Certainty
Having approved the trades, an agreed fixed-margin is applied by us, giving you cost certainty, quality control and full transparency throughout the entire build process.